Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Breaking Their Oath - Why The Elected Class Loves Illegals

Don't know if I like the use of the word "fascists" in this article, but it is hard to disagree with the facts set forth. The lax enforcement of our immigration laws has created a problem that is just coming to a head. Arizona is taking the lead in trying to stem the flow of illegals across our Southern border, but many other states are now following suit. Our Federal Government has been negligent for many years. Our representatives in Washington are breaking their oath of office to protect and defend.

Right thinking people ask of the fascists in power, “What part of illegal don’t you understand?”

Know this: They understand perfectly. They just don’t like it because it doesn’t fit in with their—or their sugar daddies’—agenda.

Republicans don’t want to stem the influx of illegals because they fear offending voters of Hispanic descent and losing what little of the Hispanic vote they get. Their sugar daddies—and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Big Business, Big Agriculture and homebuilders—like the influx of illegals because they provide a ready pool of labor they can hire at slave wages.

Democrats like the influx of illegals because they provide a growing class of dependents—people ready to feed at the public trough and one day become good Democrat voters. Their sugar daddies—Big Oil, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture and homebuilders—like the influx of illegals for the same reason Republican sugar daddies like them… slave labor.

Democrats also like the influx of illegals because labor unions do. Labor unions like the influx of illegals because they provide a pool from which unions can increase their membership—and therefore increase union coffers—and offset their declining numbers.

And all of them like the influx of illegals because of the turmoil the immigration issue creates—pitting American against American and balkanizing the country—which gives them an issue with which to stir up their base. This allows the fascists to grasp more power.

Besides: What’s to hold a politician to an oath? The words of the fascist class mean nothing. They’ll say and do anything for more control.
Breaking Their Oath

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