Thursday, August 26, 2010

Voters Now Trust Republicans More On All 10 Key Issue - Rasmussen

I guess the ethics violations of Waters and Rangel have been brought to the attention of the independents. It is obvious that both parties have bad apples serving, but what is worse is the thievery going on with our taxes. An email that is going around suggests this answer by Congress when asked for a subsidy, "what makes you think we should steal from your neighbor to bail you out?" What Congress is doing is nothing short of theft, and our legal system and courts should bring these crooks to justice.

Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 of the important issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports.

The GOP has consistently been trusted on most issues for months now, but in July they held the lead on only nine of the key issues.

Republicans lead Democrats 47% to 39% on the economy, which remains the most important issue to voters. Those numbers are nearly identical to those found in June. Republicans have held the advantage on the economy since May of last year.

But for the first time in months, Republicans now hold a slight edge on the issues of government ethics and corruption, 40% to 38%. Voters have been mostly undecided for the past several months on which party to trust more on this issue, but Democrats have held small leads since February. Still, more than one-in-five voters (22%) are still not sure which party to trust more on ethics issues.
Trust on Issues

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