Friday, November 5, 2010

Stop campaign funds from public-sector unions

One of Obama's reelection strategies is to court the unions and solidify that base for the Democrats. Using your taxpayer dollars, through the bailouts, the stimulus package and the creation of public sector jobs instead of private sector jobs, he is building that union base. Dollars that are flowing out of your pockets are, by way of the public sector unions, flowing back to the Democrats in the form of campaign contributions.

In this article, it is stated that even FDR was wary of the intent and power of the public sector unions and said that "meticulous attention should be paid" to them.

Don't look for the Democrats to kill the "golden egg goose", but if 2012 goes the way of 2010, conservatives may have a say in this matter.

With the close of the 2010 election campaign, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees reached a new spending record, pouring $87 million into this congressional election.

AFSCME's $87 million is greater than the campaign spending by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ($75 million) and American Crossroads ($65 million). Other public-sector unions, such as the Service Employees International Union ($44 million) and the National Education Association ($40 million) also ratcheted up their campaign spending.

In the 2010 election cycle, AFSCME donated 99.5 percent of contributions to Democrats; the National Education Association donated 96 percent; and the American Federation of Teachers donated 99.7 percent, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

These dues are being funneled to Democratic politicians who promise to raise workers' salaries higher and hire more public sector workers -- even though Labor Department data show that compensation for federal and state workers is higher than for private-sector workers.

Government workers have access to elected officials during negotiations to set wages and benefits, and can hold the promise of campaign contributions over these politicians during negotiations.

That means higher compensation for government workers, higher taxes, and higher budget deficits. The taxes go from the electorate to government paychecks to union dues -- then to more campaign contributions.

Moreover, AFSCME contributions do not just come from state and local taxpayers. Roughly $160 billion of federal stimulus funds went to save jobs of state and local workers.

AFSCME's $87 million campaign contributions ill serve the taxpayer, the country, and the process of government. Government employees can contribute privately to campaigns -- but they should not fund elections through public-sector unions.

Read full Washington Examiner article here.

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