Sunday, February 12, 2012

Democrats Failure To Pass Budget Is Illegal, As In Criminal

Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate refuse to bring a budget to a vote because they do not want any document that can be used to show or slow their profligate spending spree. As long as there is no budget, they can blame the Republicans for trying to shut down the government when they vote against the continuing resolutions or increases in the debt ceiling. The vast majority of the American people do not follow what is really happening and rely on the MSM that is in the tank for the liberal Democrat criminals.

Two top Democrats in Congress say the legislature doesn't really need to pass a budget. Excuse us, but passing a budget isn't optional; it's required by law. Is this the future of rule under the Democrats?

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer is tired of passing budgets as the law demands. He thinks Congress can just keep spending money without any sort of budget.

"The fact is, you don't need a budget," he said last Tuesday. "We can adopt appropriations bills. We can adopt authorization policies without a budget. We already have an agreed-upon cap on spending."

Actually, "the fact is," Congress is required under the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to pass a spending plan and then have it scored by the Congressional Budget Office and signed by the president. That none of this happens suggests a level of disrespect for the law and the people found only among criminals.

This is fiscal gangsterism, nothing else. It has nothing to do with the current fiscal crisis, or the slow economy. It has everything to do with Democrats' refusal to admit that their unparalleled spending binge and exploding debt will soon lead to a tidal wave of tax hikes on average Americans.

Read full Investors Business Daily article here.

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