Thursday, July 23, 2009

Illegals - Why Not Ration Their Care?

Last week, Democrats in the House defeated an amendment that would prevent illegals from using the "public health option" in the proposed House bill.

The Democrat controlled Senate Finance Committee plans to exempt illegals from the requirement to buy insurance. Law abiding citizens will be fined.

Many clinics in California and elsewhere are closing because they are required to give emergency and non-emergency health care to illegals free of charge.

Texas spent $1.3 billion in 2006 on illegal's hospital care.

The Dems are threatening to ration the care for the elderly.

Why not ration the care for the 12 - 20 million illegals.

Best yet, as the following article says, why not turn off "ALL" the magnets that draw the illegals to this country? Illegals Freed From Dictates of ObamaCare

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