Saturday, August 15, 2009

We Need To Re-Balance Our Economy

Our economy is in deep trouble and the spending spree that our government is on is exacerbating the problem. Over spending by the Government and out-of-control credit purchases by consumers got us into this fix, and only getting our debt under control will correct it. As this article by Lew Rockwell states:

There are two ways to re-balance the American economy. The right way is to restore competitiveness through diminished government spending, deregulation, lower taxes, and higher savings. Higher savings will facilitate capital formation, and lower taxes and fewer regulations will allow that capital to improve the competitiveness of American labor. Improved productivity and capital investment will translate into higher real wages and pave the way to higher future living standards.

Alternatively, if we don’t re-balance our economy on these terms, our foreign creditors will do it for us – and they may have no compunction about imposing harsh measures. This tough medicine will be delivered in the form of declining value for the dollar. This will effectively raise consumer prices and interest rates for all Americans and dramatically lower the real value of our wages. In other words, balance will be restored from abroad by forcing our living standards to match our diminished industrial capacity. If we cannot compete based on lower taxes and increased capital investment, our only alternative will be to do so based on cheap labor.

Though president Obama claims that his policies will not raise taxes on average Americans, the unfortunate truth is that the effect of his policies will be to lower wages. The choice is simple: either we shrink government and enjoy higher wages, or grow government and accept lower wages. As for me, I prefer the former. However, if we do not change course soon, we will all be stuck with the latter.

Less Government Or Lower Wages?

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