Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cyber Crime against Banking System

Shortly after 9/11, a US citizen named Ali al-Marri was arrested and subsequenty dubbed an enemy combatant and held in a Navy brig for the last 5 years without trial. No matter which end of the political spectrum you are in, this detention and trampling of the rights of an American citizen is unjustified and was somewhat rectified when he appeared in court yesterday.

I thought it ironic, when reading the charges, that one of the tasks al-Marri was assigned was to disrupt the US banking system thru cyber attacks. Congress itself, thru Barney Franks and Chris Dodd, did, and are doing, a much better job at this than al-Marri could ever had hoped.

Maybe we have a "Sleeper Cell" in Congress, or, maybe, Congress is just asleep.

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