Sunday, February 10, 2013

Benghazi mystery

This is an excerpt from my article on
Excerpt: The mystery was created by a question from Senator Rand Paul. His question was asked of Secretary Clinton, in a previous session, about the transfer of weapons to Turkey through Libya. Speculation was that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi to retrieve weapons from the Libyan rebels. Stevens met that very evening with the Turkish Consul General to discuss what? Speculation again is that these weapons were to be transferred through Turkey to rebel forces, including the Muslim Brotherhood, in Syria, Secretary Clinton successfully dodged Paul’s question leaving the true purpose of Ambassador Stevens’ presence in Benghazi a mystery. Adding to this mystery is that an estimated thirty people survived the attack on the annex. The State Department has not released their names and they have not surfaced to be interviewed by Congress or the press. Where are they and why the silence?
Read full article here.

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