Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wisconsin Update: Did Judge violate law for NAACP and unions in Voter ID ruling?

It amazes me that the people of Wisconsin would even be listening to the thugs that trashed their State House. It is obvious that the National Unions, SEIU and ACORN spin-offs are out to get Walker any way they can, and the petition signatures prove that illegality is present. Voter photo ID laws in other states have been upheld by higher courts than this one, so it looks like the typical ultra-liberal Democrat ploy to rig an election. Glad to see that there are some Blue Dog and Reagan Democrats speaking out. This bodes well for the common sense that I believe exists throughout the Midwest and many other parts of the country.

After a hearing on the NAACP-Wisconsin branch lawsuit filed against the new GOP-backed voter ID law, Dane County Circuit Judge David Flanagan issued a temporary injunction, blocking the implementation of the law,

There is just one small problem--sometime prior to hearing this case, Judge Flanagan signed a petition for the recall of Republican Gov. Scott Walker, who is a named defendant in the case.

Even for a first year law student, this case posed a starkly obvious "conflict of interest" for Judge Flanagan, which would normally have required the judge to recuse himself from participation in the case.

Now, after the fact, it appears as though there could also be a possible breach of judicial ethics--compelling the Republican Party of Wisconsin to file a formal complaint against Judge Flanagan, questioning the judge's [obvious] "bias" toward the case.

The party is also demanding a probe, by the state judicial commission, into Judge Flanagan's "failure ... to maintain the appearance of impartiality" in the voter ID case.

No reasonably bright person needs a trail of crumbs to follow what is happening here.

First, the recall effort against Governor Walker and Republicans is being led by national labor unions, with the ultimate intent of reversing Walker's legislation that clamped down on collective bargaining, and importantly, cut-off their cash flow, coming from union dues which had been automatically extracted from ALL union member paychecks.

Second, the NAACP attack against the new voter ID law was an attempt to "neutralize" this effective defense mechanism against the massive voter fraud, mentioned in election official testimonies above.

Finally, it has always been clear that the largest perennial conflict of interest exists between mostly Democrat politicians, who while sitting across the collective bargaining table "allow" increasingly incredible union contract benefit levels, in return for receiving 97% of the political campaign contributions from the very same Democrat-dominated public labor unions, whose bosses sat on the other side of the same table.

Read full Examiner article here.

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